Publications & Catalogues
- Art Avenue Magazine, Federation of Canadian Artists, issue September-October 2014
- The Best of the Best, Kennedy Publishing, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, winter 2012–three images
- Okanagan Artists Magazine, interview, October 2010 edition–article re M. Harris, pages 70-75
- Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny, a novel , Oolichan Publishing, September 2010; my Prairie Quilt #2 featured on cover
- Best of Worldwide Artists in Mixed Media, Kennedy Publishing, Williamsburg, Va, USA–two images
- Kunamokst, The Book, Mural Mosaic Book, published April 2010
- Art Avenue Magazine, Federation of Canadian Artists, January and February 2008
- CA Marche, French text published by Pearson Education Canada; 1st edition pub. 2006–25,000 copies, featuring myPrairie Quilt # 7
- eVent, Kelowna Daily Courier, April 2004; interview–For the Love of Landscapes
- Varied Nature of Marilyn Harris, interview, Kelowna Capital News, Nov 6, 2004
- Art Exhibition of Korea and Canada, book to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations, May 2003
- Prairie Quilt #7 selected Official Paintingfor Invitations & Reception Calgary Stampede Western Showcase 2003
- Catalogue of Paintings, Calgary Stampede Art Auction 2002, 2003, 2006
- Art Avenue Magazine published by Federation of Canadian Artists; works included in issues of March 1999, March 2000, May/June 2001, Jan/Feb 2002, March/April 2002, March/April 2003, Jan/Feb 2008